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Predictive Astrology


Welcome To Most Accurate Method Of Predictive Astrology "Nadi Jyotish" Nadi Nakshatra Astrology Course

This branch of astrology also known as Nadi Nakshatra Astrology. This is also famous with the name of “Phalit-Jyotisha” or “Sateek Jyotish Ganana” & Accurate Predictive Astrology. This is a smart application of Vedic astrology concepts and combinations. As the name suggests this science serves as a tool to have a look of future events, which is prediction of upcoming time.

This science based on the fact that “ Combination of houses gives result ” It works on the basis of the power of Dasha’s planet, Bhukti and Anatar Dasha’s planet as per Vimshotari Dasha Paddhati.

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